You can do this in many ways:
Through JustGiving
Create a fundraising page with JustGiving - it’s a simple and free process. Once you've created a page, your sponsors will be able to donate securely through the page. As an added bonus, we will be able to claim any applicable Gift Aid from each donation, giving you a chance to raise even more funds.
Make a Cash Donation
If you wish to donate in cash, please hand your donation to our cashier located on the ground floor of our hospital. Once received, you will be provided you with a receipt and a confirmation letter to acknowledge your donation. We highly recommend that you do not send cash by post.
Make a payment over the phone
To make a payment via credit or debit card, simply contact the Fundraising Office at 01708 774825. Once the payment has been made, we will send you a receipt and acknowledgement letter.
Payment by cheque
Cheques can be sent through the mail or delivered in person to the Cashiers Office, made payable to King George and Queen’s Hospitals Charity. If the funds have been raised by a large group of people (such as a company, club, or school), you may want to formally present your cheque to a particular ward or staff in our hospitals. Feel free to ask, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Make a payment online
Use the donation form on this website.
If you prefer to transfer funds through BACS, please reach out to us for our bank information.