Fundraise while you shop - it won't cost you a penny!
Did you know you can raise FREE donations for King George and Queen's Hospitals Charity every time you shop online with Easyfundraising. Choose from over 8,100 brands who will donate part of what you spend to the charity! It won't cost you any extra - the cost is covered by the brand.
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Raising free donations while shopping online is simple! Discover popular retailers such as John Lewis, Amazon, Tesco, Currys, Asda, Iceland, eBay, and Apple, all ready to help you raise more for your local hospitals when you shop with them.
The easyfundraising app is an easy and free way to support your local hospitals when you shop online. Download it now to make sure you don't miss out on any free donations!
No matter where you shop, make your weekly groceries more meaningful.
Booking a short getaway or holiday? All of the major travel brands are on easyfundraising. So, please remember to use easyfundraising when you book so we don’t miss out!
Feeling good starts with looking good! Shop your fashion and beauty favourites and raise free donations for King George & Queen’s Hospitals Charity, at no extra cost to you. All the retailers will give you a donation on every purchase you make through easyfundraising – even their sale items. Now that’s a good feeling!